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  Num   Case Size Desc.
04-P95B Prefilter -6100 respirators (2/pkg)74971 each
04-RP22RB Retainer -6100 respirators74961 each
453-00-01 AP3 Cartridges for Pesticides (for BE1 & BE10)76041 each
520-01-15 Battery Pack 8hr c/w Charger (for both BE1 & BE10)76021 each
520-02-02 Turbo Unit c/w 3-AP3 Cartridges, Battery Pack,Charger,etc.76001 each
520-02-06 Breathe-Easy 1 Hard Helmet & Visor c/w Ex-Long Hose76201 each
520-02-97 Breathe-Easy 10 Tyvek Hoods (pack of 3) c/w Ex-Long Hose76101 each
522-01-01 Replacement Visor/Helmet System (for BE1 helmet only)76241 each
522-01-11 Replacement Tyvek Head Covers (for BE10 only)76121 each
527-01-15 Replacement Tyvek Face Seal (for BE1 helmet only)76221 each
529-02-37 Protective Overlay - Clear vinyl visor protectors(Pack of 10)76141 each
GN95B Paint/Pesticide Filters- 6100 respirators (2/pkg)74981 each
R308 Inhalation Valve (each)75111 each
R488 Exhaust Valve (each)75171 each
R675 Filter Cartridge Holder (each)75121 each
R676 Gasket (each)75131 each
R678 Mask Straps - elastic (set of 4)75151 each
R679 Exhaust Valve Seat (each)75161 each
R693 Exhaust Valve Cover (each)75181 each
RP11 Exhalation Valve -6100 respirators74991 each
RP17 Inhalation Valve-6100 respirators75061 each
RP4 Suspension Ass'm- 6100 respirators75081 each
SVA T100100 ORGANIC VAPOUR CARTRIDGE (2/pkg)75021 each
SVA T100400 Cartridge Ammonia/Methyl74911 each
SVA T106010 Pre Filter74921 each
SVA T117010 N95 FILTER (2/pkg)74901 each
T10B Prefilters for 6100 Respirators75011 each
Valuair Respirator Filter Retainer (each)75141 each

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